About Me

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CA, United States
I have been a stay at home mom for the last 5 years. I love being with my children and feel so blessed and lucky to have the opportunity to do so, but I often get lost in the shuffle of it all. I have tried to lose weight and get in shape many times in my life, with varying degrees of success. It has seemed especially hard since having kids. So, I've decided to sliver out a little piece of time for myself to get back in shape and get back to feeling good about myself. I am hoping that this blog will help me find an outlet to talk about my experiences and find a community of people who have similar goals. I hope you enjoy reading this blog as much as I enjoy writing it!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Week 4, Day 1 - I have to do what?

I am so very glad that I didn't read ahead to today's workout ahead of time.  It would have given me far too much time to fret.  The task seemed very daunting to me:  3 minutes of running, followed by 90 seconds of walking followed by 5 minutes of running and then repeat it all again.  I decided that my best approach would be to get a lot of extra warm up and stretching in advance, so I walked for quite a while before I stopped and got in a great stretch session.  Then I started the Chubby Jones week 4 podcast and got moving once again. 

I was pleasantly surprised to find that the first eight minutes of running went extremely well.  In fairness, part of the first 5 minute run was downhill, so that helped, but I was feeling good at the end.  The vengefully fast 90 seconds of walking between runs seemed too short, but  isn't it always?  The next three minutes were good, but I was starting to slow down a bit.  But oh boy, that last 5 minutes really killed me.  I did OK for the fir 2 minutes, but then I was really hitting the wall.  I really had to push myself.  Mia kept coming on to be encouraging and was pushing for a last kick of speed to end the run, but there was no reserves for me to do that.  I made it the full distance, but man, it exhausted me.  I walked for a while afterwards.  I just needed to keep moving, albeit, very slowly.  I even passed my house and kept walking because I felt the need to keep cooling down.  I wanted to have my breath back and feel human again when I got home.  I was at a particularly enthralling place in my audio book, so the extra time was nice.

So, I'm home now, baby is napping and my husband took our son to a baseball game. I have utter silence and solitude and I didn't even need to lace up my running shoes to get it. So on that note, I will leave you for today. I am tired and glad for a day of rest, but feel sure the next run will be even better.  I would have found it impossible to believe a month ago that I was capable of finishing a run like today's.  I need to remember that going forward, because bigger and more difficult challenges await me!  No matter what though, I'll be out there, working hard and trying to make myself a stronger and healthier person because I know that I CAN DO IT!


  1. Well done Theresa your doing great enjoy your rest day :)

  2. Wow... great job!

    How old are your kiddos? I have two boys - Stephen will be 4 in July, and my son Jonathan is 9 weeks old today.

    You can follow MY c25k journey if you like at:

    I will be starting either another day of week 2 OR w3d1 tomorrow. I was only able to strongly finish w2 on the last day, so I don't know if I am ready for w3 or not, but I got new running shoes yesterday, so I am curious to see if it makes a difference. (Oh, Lord, please let it make a difference!)

    Anyway-- go you!

  3. Great job today! Way to push through and get it done!

  4. Merideth, I will for sure check out your blog. Thanks for sharing! Also, my son, Garrett is 5 and my daughter, Ella, is 17 months. I've so far added an extra day to every week. its working for me, so I say go for it. Confidence can not be undervalued here! Keep up the good work.
